Insurance Agent Website Design

Forever Changed Is the way we sell Life Insurance

Accepting the inevitability of potential clients are searching online for life insurance is the mindset we need to approach this challenge if we are going to come out of this financially stable. It means that for now agents need to continue transitioning from face-to-face sales to phone sales.

To meet this challenge, you need some resources to be successful at phone sales. If you’re like most agents face-to-face is your preferred method of sales. Agents have started using the Consumer Landing Page to help build their brand while providing remote sales and with very good success. It’s simple to setup and even if people do not have a computer its great on a tablet or cell phone as well.

Focusing mostly with quality Facebook leads or other internet derived leads, agents send a text message to each lead received letting the prospect know who they are, they received their request for a life insurance quote and that they will be calling them back soon. They also provide a link to their Landing Page saying they can run their own quote if they do not want to wait.

There is no question that the increase in online driven leads has also meant potential clients are searching for you online as well. After all, if they find you on Google then you must be legit. Having an online presence is a must in today’s life insurance purchasing process.

We’ve also instructed our clients to plaster the link on their social media pages asking friends and family to please share on their pages as well. Staying organized with those leads you were not able to connect with is key to maximizing your return-on-investment (ROI) for every lead campaign.

Unless you have a drip marketing program you can tap into right away, keep a folder on your computer for each lead campaign you run titled with the campaign date. Going back to those missed leads every few days with new text messages and emails until you do connect. Do this and you can be selling remotely in a day.

Two important items are the keys to success in phone sales. A great compelling story that puts the lead in the moment and test-close questions throughout. This is not much different from face-to-face sales; however, the story needs to be more compelling and two or three test closing questions should be four or five.

You already have the best story to talk about, COVID-19. Infection rates and recorded deaths are talked about all day on virtually every news channel everywhere. When you ask the test close questions always ask questios that lead you to “yes” answers. For example, do not ask if they know someone affected by the virus; say have you seen how many people are affected by this virus? The first question could be “no” but the second will be “yes.”

Aside from giving you the ability to gage where they are in the buying process, it gets them in the habit of saying “yes.” Checkout the Consumer Landing Page…it’s the best $25 bucks you’ll spend in a month.

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